Monday, April 12, 2010

2008 Martin Ray Chardonnay - Unoaked

Ah, Monday. I worked from home today and we had a few contractors come out to discuss landscape ideas and putting in a new in ground pool. As my husband says, we haven't won the lottery ...we just act like we have. My backyard will look so beautiful whether in my dreams or in my new debt.

Anyway, with work and everything else, happy hour comes at 4:00 today.

Tonight it is "2008 Martin Ray Unoaked Chardonnay" A medium yellow color, a very nice fruity, earthy aroma with a taste of figs. A good finish with little aftertaste. Not a bad wine at all. I give it a 3 for color, a 4 for aroma, a 4 for taste and a 4 for finish. Total score 15.

Until next bottle, cheers!

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