Friday, July 23, 2010

2008 White Haven Sauvignon Blanc

Another wine from Marlborough County and another "recommended wine" (and more costly from what I am told.) I do not know why my husband insists on going beyond the 9.99 point when I have repeatedly told him that it is never necessary.

It is very hot today and the weekend is supposed to reach the 100's. I am not looking forward to it. I miss spring.

Well, back to this bottle of wine. I think the color looks to be a little dark. Oh wait, maybe I should turn on the light. OK, a bit lighter now. The aroma is of dark berries and peach with a hint of lemon. It has a strong smell to it but not unpleasant at all. The taste is quite unusual. I'm not sure what it is I taste. Definitely citrus and um...what is that other taste...cherries, I think. It's strong. ("Like things that make you go hmmmm") The finish is pretty crisp and tangy. This might be one that I will have to come back to. So far, I can't decide if I like it or love it. Give me some time to get a few under my belt. I will post the results in the next blog so tune in.

Until next bottle, cheers.

Friday, July 16, 2010

2009 Brancott Sauvignon Blanc

Friday evening and just sitting down at the "Fabulous Red Ball Bar" (our garage bar) for my first sip of wine. The garage door is up and a nice warm breeze is blowing in, thunder is off in the distance and the air is still fresh with the smell of rain. Thank goodness the rain has brought relief from the heat.

Hubby bought this wine specifically so I could blog about it so I am. It was also recommended by a family member.

I taste oranges and tropical fruit. It's crisp, citrusy and light. It has a nice clean nose with a zesty finish.

It definitely isn't a heavy wine but it is citrusy. For those of you that don't like that taste you might find it too tangy. I, however, like it and will rate this wine pretty high.

I give it a 5 for color, a nose of 4, 4 for taste and 3 for finish. Total score = 16. For $9.99 though I'm sure you can find a comparable wine to this $16.00 dollar bottle.

Until next bottle, cheers!