Sunday, June 27, 2010

2008 Kim Crawford Chardonnay, unoaked

My husband brought me two bouquets of colored roses and a bottle of Kim Crawford’s un-oaked Chardonnay this afternoon. I think he likes me.

I have been wondering what Kim Crawford tasted like so I was anxious to try it.

The color was a little dark, like some other chardonnay’s I’ve had in the past. As you know, I am always leery of wines that are darker. Still, you never know until you try.

The aroma was kind of pungent. It smells sort of like butter and plums. An unusual smell but interesting. The taste was definitely butterscotch and had a hint citrus. The finish was a bit heavier than I like.

The wine is ok, maybe not the best, but not too bad. I like it because it’s different. I probably would not purchase it again but I might choose it from a wine list depending on what I was having for dinner. I think it would go well with seafood.

This wine cost twice as much as I usually spend and that goes to show that more expensive is not always better. Thanks for the thought, honey, but you can go back to the “cheap stuff”.

I give this wine a 3 for color, a 3 of nose, a 3 for taste and a 3 for finish. Total score = 12. Not a great score, but I’ll finish the bottle.

Until next bottle, cheers!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Grüner Veltliner - Wachau, Austria

Even better than finding a new wine that I like is finding a new grape variety that I have never heard of. It’s just so exciting!

In visiting downtown Wilmington over the weekend to spend Daddy’s Day with my father, the 3 of us (Mom, Dad and myself) stopped at a local upscale bar and asked what Sauvignon Blanc they had. The bartender informed us that they were out of Sauvignon Blanc but before we could run for the door he mentioned that we might enjoy the flavor of a similar tasting grape called Grüner Veltliner. Well, “bring it on”, we said!

I thought it was excellent and kept asking the good looking bar tender to repeat the pronunciation (as he could pronounce it with a German accent). I, of course, cannot so ordering it out may take some practice.

The wine we tasted was called Hopler (a 2008) and I couldn’t wait to get home and see if I could find it at my local wine store. I gave the napkin I had written it down on to my husband. (He loves to shop for new wines for me. Such a good man.) Alas, he could not find Hopler but he found 3 different bottles, each of a different vineyard, at Total Wine. The one I am tasting now is from Wachau County, hence the name. Wachau, as I’ve discovered, produces the more elegant examples of this variety.

This wine has a light pale coloring, a fresh fruity, pepper-spice aroma, a light grassy taste with hints of peach and orange and a smooth finish. This medium bodied wine is so good.

It scores a 5 for color, a 5 for nose, a 4 for taste and a 4 for finish. Total score, 18. You must try this wine or at least the Grüner Veltliner.

Until next bottle, cheers!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2008 Cannery Row Cellars Chardonnay

What a weekend! It was 200 degrees here in the South. My parents came to visit to help finalize the deck plans. Like crazy fools we worked in the yard staking out the deck and spa, pruning trees, pulling up decking, installing a new back door and fixing the french doors. I actually worked with my Dad installing the door. I pulled out framing scraped, nailed and installed locks. I impressed myself.

Again, we never did make it on the boat.

We tried a few new wines over the weekend but I don't remember what they were.

Today I received a new shipment, which was a surprise from my husband. Usually the UPS guy delivers the wine right at 5 but today he was early so it had some time to chill before "Happy Hour". Strangely enough the package included Chardonnay (found out later it was part of the special deal). I will either like it or use it for cooking.

The wine is from Cannery Row Cellars in Morgan Hill California. I looked it up and Morgan Hills is East of Santa Cruz.

But, let's start the sampling. It has a pale color and a light fruity smell. I can smell the oak barrel and it reminds me of the many wine tours I have been on. I always loved that smell. But here comes the real test, the taste. Hmmm….a toasty oak flavor with a touch of vanilla and plum. Not too bad. Could I actually have found a Chardonnay that I like?

I have to give this wine a 4 for color, a nose of 5, a 3 for taste and a 3 for finish. All together, this wine rates a 15. Not bad for a chard. Try it.

Until next bottle, cheers!