Monday, March 29, 2010

2007 Estancia Savignon Blanc

So, my hyacinths are really starting to bloom. I cut several on Sunday and stuck them in small vases around the house. WOW! They really have an aroma! My house is full of the wonderful smell of lavender with a hint of something else. Hmmm...what is that?

I had to hide in the closet in order to conduct my tasting tonight. Remember that you need to be aware of the scents around you before smell and taste can truly be detected.

I am sampling a 2007 Estancia Savignon Blanc from Monterey County. This wine has a very light color. I can definitely smell pear. The taste was a bit surprising. I tasted fruit (apples and pears?) but there was a strong taste of earthiness, maybe hickory? Not unpleasant like I find the oak in Chardonnay. It has a pretty smooth finish. I give this wine a 14. It's not a wine I would choose to buy again but it is a wine I consider different and pleasing for a Monday night of TV reruns.

Until next bottle, cheers.

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