Saturday, May 29, 2010

2009 Matua Savignon Blanc - New Zealand

It’s Memorial weekend. I hope that everyone takes time to remember that beyond all the hot dogs and hamburgers there are families who have lost loved ones that have served our country and deserve some time of prayer.  Thank you to the soldiers, to the women and men who served, who fought and died, in service to America.
As for my Memorial weekend I plan to do some work in the yard, around the house and spend a little time on the Lake.  I also plan to sample some new wines.  I am sampling the first one now as my husband finishes up the mulch in the front beds and will be joining me soon for Happy Hour.
This wine, of course, is a Savignon Blanc.  It is a wine from Marlbouro County New Zealand. 

Where is New Zealand?  I'll have to look that up on the map.  It sounds like a place I may like to visit someday.  First stop would be the wineries.
This wine has a light color to it. I smell peach and maybe asparagus. The taste is a little bitter at first but quickly diminishes leaving a touch of peaches and cherries on the tongue. It has a very nice finish to it.

I give this wine a 5 for color, a 4 for nose, a 4 for taste and a 5 for finish. Total score:18! This, in my opinion, is a very good wine.

Until next bottle, cheers!

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